Monday, December 26, 2011

Bucket or Chuck it!

10 years ago I was sitting by myself in Nepal. Busy being a young wild thing, swearing off kids, marriage, and other 'adult' nonsense of the sort. 

Fast forward to today….. With two kids and a husband my road has definitely twisted and turned. Yet, as different as people, places, beliefs, and other things have turned out I love my life and family. They have guided me to all things better.

When we think about our personal fitness goals in life we seldom think about the profound impact that our mental and physical health has on others. Being a mom has helped awaken me to the importance of a healthy and wealthy lifestyle. I'm talking about whole health and every aspect of wealth. Obtaining joy through Body, Mind, and Spirit.

I encourage you to be selfish about your wants and want nots. Don't waste your precious self on anything that is out of sync with making you the person you truly want to be, your dream self. 

Fill your bucket with people, places, and things that make you and your world thrive. Chuck the rest. What is your bucket list filled with? Just as importantly, what have you (for whatever reason) decided to remove from your pail of life?  

Don't be shy or apologetic about kicking shit to the curb - it's where it belongs! I have added many new goals and dreams to my life. I have removed the wastes of my space. Blockages in the form of Mental, emotional, and physical space. It's an honor to be around the company I keep. I wish the same for you. 

Think of your healthiest self and screw the rest.  What does the peak of you perfection look like? Don't be 'realistic' here. This is your mental playground, play a little, hell, play a lot. Who is sharing your happy goodness with you? What does your diet consist of. Food is only one aspect of your diet, what about the mind numbing TV you ingest, or peoples’ emotional bullshit? It's okay to be brutally honest about what is consuming your energy. *For example, if your Facebook page reads like a cross between a Spanish Soap Opera and an episode of Nancy Grace with all your dramas of life gone wrong and the damages done to you than do something about it dammit! If not for yourself, do it for the rest of us. If you're misery don't seek company. The sooner you can be honest about it the easier it is to change. It's a magical thing when you start to fill your life with things you truly desire out of life. 

Outdated thoughts, old hang ups, and people who suck the life force out of you are out of here. Who and what are you letting go in order to make room for the new? Scum will stick to your bucket and erode it if you let it. It's up to you to remove the scum causing agents. Think quick, what three people/things always drag you down? What three foods do you always regret eating immediately after? STOP! No excuses, just do it, don't question it, just blindly do it and see how much better things automatically are. Get drunk on the belief that you cannot fix or change, just remove this certain thing that can be the snowflake that turns into a snowball. The simple effect of removing something from our mind, body, vision, etc. is sometimes all it takes, the rest WILL follow, you just have to have the guts to do get rid of it first. 

You have no choice in the matter, you're alive, why not live like it? 

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